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Dr Ben Roberton

Consultant Interventional Radiologist

Veincentre London

GMC No: 6025182

NHS Base: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

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Ben grew up in Wimbledon and did his undergraduate training in Edinburgh, before returning to work in London. He undertook an interventional radiology fellowship in Vancouver, Canada before being appointed as a Consultant to the Chelsea and Westminster hospital.

He loves travelling and has been round the world a few times and enjoyed many adventures in unusual locations…

He got caught up in a military coup in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific and was evacuated by the New Zealand Air Force. He took a trip along the trans-Siberian railway, where he partied in Moscow, went walking in Siberia, got drunk with gangsters in Ulan Bator, and rode horses over the Steppe in Mongolia. He has always enjoyed taking travel photos and has entered some competitions. He loves the mountains and mountain sports and spent a season snowboarding in Chamonix. He also loves surfing, sailing and kite surfing.

His James Bond moment was being flown to Hamburg by the European Space Agency for psychometric testing for selection to the Astronaut training corp. Fortunately for us, he didn’t get through in the end, but still hopes to visit the moon one day!

All his free time is now spent with his wife Lou, looking after their three daughters and a particularly scruffy dog called Juno.

Professional Summary
Current Posts Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Honorary Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Honorary Senior Clinic Lecturer (Imperial College, London)
Hospitals Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
The Royal Marsden Hospital and The Royal Brompton Hospital
GMC Number 6025182
Qualifications MB ChB 2001 University of Edinburgh Medical School
Specialities Interventional Radiology
First Year of Qualification 2001
Languages Spoken English
Registered with Health Insurers Please check with Head Office
 Member of Royal College of Radiologists
European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology
European School of Radiology
British Society of Interventional Radiologists
Radiological Society of North America
Cardiovascular & Interventional Radiology Society of Europe
Other professional interests • Venous imaging and intervention
• Varicose veins and vascular malformations
• Musculoskeletal, oncologic and paediatric intervention
• Bone/soft tissue ablation and embolisationtechniques


Dr Roberton’s Veincentre Clinic Sessions

Veincentre London
Tuesday: 14:30 – 18:00

Dr Roberton has committed to working at Veincentre London on a Tuesday. If you book an initial consultation with Dr Roberton in London, all your future appointments will be with Dr Roberton in London. As such, it is important to note that if you opt to go ahead with treatment this will be undertaken with Dr Roberton on a Tuesday (as will all future follow-up appointments).

Occasionally Dr Roberton may open up a list on another day, especially during our busy periods, however we cannot guarantee appointment dates on any other day than a Tuesday even if a previous appointment was on a different day. If you are unable to attend one of Dr Roberton’s dates and hence wish to switch consultants, you will need to attend and pay for a new consultation with the other consultant prior to any treatment being undertaken. Please take care when choosing which consultant/ date to book.

Please note that due to holidays Dr Roberton may not be available every Tuesday.

Dr Ben Roberton does not hold a share or financial interest in Veincentre Ltd.

Dr Ben Roberton does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at Veincentre Ltd.

Dr Ben Roberton does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at Veincentre Ltd.

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