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Dr Thoraya Ammar

Consultant Interventional Radiologist

Veincentre London

GMC No: 4426738

NHS Base: King’s College Hospital


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Dr Thoraya Ammar is a Consultant Interventional Radiologist at one of London’s leading Teaching Hospitals, Kings College Hospital, having qualified from King’s College London in 1992. Thoraya specialises in endovascular surgical techniques and works in a dynamic major trauma centre, where she manages complex vascular conditions. She also operates at St Thomas’s Hospital, where she is part of an integrated aortic service. She is dual accredited, having gained membership of the Royal College of Physicians in 2001.

Thoraya has a 20-year interest in venous vascular disease, and has worked in the Academic Unit of Vascular Medicine at King’s College London as an Investigator running clinical trials.

Thoraya is well-published in this field, with multiple peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals, and regularly presents her work in national and international conferences, where she is often invited as a moderator and lecturer. She has maintained her involvement in clinical trials, being an Investigator on multiple on-going studies. Thoraya’s work has been recognised with several awards, including from the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) and the British Society of Interventional Radiologists (BSIR).

She is extremely passionate about teaching and enjoys her role as a clinical and educational supervisor for interventional radiology trainees. Thoraya particularly enjoys teaching cutting edge, minimally invasive surgical techniques, both within her hospital and as an invited expert at national training courses.

Thoraya lives in London with her husband Mike and two boys, with whom she loves playing tennis. She is a keen runner and has completed multiple races including the London Marathon. She enjoys travelling and has started scuba diving again.


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Professional Summary
Current Post Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Hospital King’s College Hospital, London
GMC Number 4426738
Qualifications MB BS (University of London) 1997
MRCP (Royal College of Physicians) 2001
FRCR (Royal College of Radiologists) 2006
Specialities Vascular Interventional Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology
First Year of Qualification 1997
Languages Spoken English and Arabic
Registered with Health Insurers Most major insurance companies
Member of Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists
Member of the Royal College of Physicians
Member of the British Society of Interventional Radiology
Member of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
Other professional interests • Aortic Aneurysm surgery and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening
• Vascular malformations – imaging and treatment
• Endovascular aortic aneurysm imaging and endovascular repair (EVAR)
• Vascular Access – Complex endovascular access procedures
• Thoracic aortic aneurysms, thoracic dissections – imaging and endovascular repair
• Peripheral Vascular Disease – investigation, medical, radiological and endovascular management
• Percutaneous Vascular Access – Hickman lines
• Paediatric Vascular Access
• Urological interventions – percutaneous renal tumour ablation, urinary drainage and varicocele treatment
• Endovascular treatment of pelvic congestion
• Uterine artery embolisation for fibroids and obstetric post-partum haemorrhage
• Clinical Governance and data in radiology and interventional radiology
• Embolisation of haemorrhage in acute trauma
• Venous interventions – stenting, thrombectomy and embolisation
• Vascular imaging ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MRI)



Dr Ammar’s Veincentre Clinic Sessions

Veincentre London
Friday: 9:00 – 18:30

Dr Ammar has committed to working at Veincentre London on a Friday. If you book an initial consultation with Dr Ammar in London, all your future appointments will be with Dr Ammar in London. As such, it is important to note that if you opt to go ahead with treatment this will be undertaken with Dr Ammar on a Friday (as will all future follow-up appointments).

Occasionally Dr Ammar may open up a list on another day, especially during our busy periods, however, we cannot guarantee appointment dates on any other day than a Friday even if a previous appointment was on a different day. If you are unable to attend one of Dr Ammar’s dates and hence wish to switch consultants, you will need to attend and pay for a new consultation with the other consultant prior to any treatment being undertaken. Please take care when choosing which consultant/ date to book.

Please note that due to holidays Dr Ammar may not be available every Friday.

“I enjoy working at the Veincentre as it is an organisation that puts its patients at the heart of what it does, always providing the highest quality of care and support throughout the patient journey. The transparency and robustness of its patient safety and governance processes are exemplary. This underpins the foundation for a very enjoyable and safe practice.”

Dr Thoraya Ammar does not hold a share or financial interest in Veincentre Ltd.

Dr Thoraya Ammar does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at Veincentre Ltd.

Dr Thoraya Ammar does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at Veincentre Ltd.

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